2010年7月-2010年12月 美国斯坦福大学访问学者
1. Project Leader, Oracle USA, Redwood Shores, CA 12/2004 – 9/2009
2. Analytical Architect, Braincess, Inc., Palo Alto, CA 9/2003 - 12/2004
3. Co-op Intern, KLA-Tencor Corporation, Milpitas, CA 7/2002 -12/2002
4. Technical Marketing Intern, ILOG Ltd., Mountain View, CA 7/2001 - 9/2001
供应链风险管理, 动态定价和生产管理,鲁棒优化和模拟,供应链博弈研究
1. Lee, Z., S. Deng, B. Lin and J. Yang. Decision Model and Analysis for Investment Interest Expense Deduction and Allocation. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 200, pp. 268-280, Jan. 2010.
2. S. Deng and C.A. Yano, Joint Production and Pricing Decisions with Setup Costs and Capacity Constraints, Management Science, Vol. 52, 741-756, 2006
3. Li, N., M. Zhang, S. Deng, Z.H. Lee, and L. Zheng. Single-station Performance Evaluation and Improvement in Semiconductor Manufacturing: a Graphical Approach. International Journal of Production. Vol. 107, 397-403, 2007
4. M. Zhang, S. Niu, S. Deng, Z. Zhang, Q. Li, and L. Zheng, Hierarchical Capacity Planning with Reconfigurable Kits in Global Semiconductor Assembly and Test Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, 543-552, 2007
5. S. Deng and C.A. Yano. Combining Spot Purchases with Contracts in a Two-echelon Supply Chain, Proceedings of MSOM Conference. June,2002
6. M. Zhang and S. Deng Operations Management Basics, The Handbook of Technology, Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA