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研究方向: 交通基础设施投资与定价,交通行为经济学,区域经济与城市管理
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电子邮件: smzcli@gmail.com

李志纯,博士、教授,博士生导师。2016年入选教育部长江学者特聘教授;2015年获得国家杰出青年科学基金;2013年担任国家社科基金重大项目首席专家;2012年获得国家优秀青年科学基金;2009年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划;获得2009年度香港交通研究学会(HKSTS)优秀论文奖暨Gordon Newell纪念奖;获得2008年全国(百篇)优秀博士学位论文奖。2006年毕业于北京航空航天大学经济管理学院获交通运输规划与管理博士学位,2006-2008年在复旦大学管理学院管理科学与工程专业从事博士后研究。2004-2011年间在香港理工大学访问、工作5年。2008年12月进入日博bet365体育在线工作。主要研究领域包括交通基础设施投资决策、交通经济学、区域经济与城市管理等。迄今在国际主流SCI/SSCI刊物上发表论文40篇。指导硕士生获得2013和2015年度湖北省优秀硕士学位论文奖。


2006.4 - 2009.4  复旦大学管理学院,管理科学与工程 博士后
2002.9 - 2006.3  北京航空航天大学经管学院,交通运输规划与管理博士学位
1999.9 - 2002.7  中南大学数学与统计学院,应用数学硕士学位

2009.6 - 2011.6 香港理工大学,博士后研究员
2007.10 - 2008.10 香港理工大学,博士后研究员
2006.5 - 2007.7   香港理工大学,副研究员
2004.2 - 2004.12   香港理工大学,研究助理


1. 国家杰出青年基金项目“交通基础设施投资与交通需求管理”(2016.1-2020.12)
2. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目“交通基础设施投资与定价”(2013.1-2015.12)
3. 国家社科基金重大项目“城市地铁系统脆弱性评价及控制策略研究”(2013.11-2018.12)
4. 教育部博士点基金项目“城市轨道交通线路站点布局与运营优化研究”(2013.1-2015.12)
5. 霍英东青年教师基金应用研究课题“基于交通预报的交叉口群过饱和控制关键技术研究与实证研究”(2012.1-2014.12)
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“不确定环境下公交网络均衡分析与优化研究”(2010.1-2012.12,后评估为“特优”)
7. 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目“公共交通网络可靠性理论及其应用”(2010.1-2012.12,后评估为“优秀”)
8. 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金项目“停车换乘系统优化理论与评价研究”(2009.1-2013.12)
9. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(2008.1-2008.12,后评估为“优秀”)

2009年香港交通研究学会(HKSTS)杰出论文奖暨Gordon Newell纪念奖

SSCI刊物Transport Policy编委,2017 – 至今
SCI刊物Transportation Research Part B编委,2017 – 至今
SCI刊物Journal of Advanced Transportation编委,2012 – 至今
SCI刊物Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics副主编,2013 – 至今
SSCI刊物International Journal of Sustainable Transportation编委,2015.6 – 至今


[40] Peng Y.T., Li Z.C., Choi K., 2017. Transit-oriented development in an urban rail transportation corridor. Transportation Research Part B, in press
[39] Chen Y.J., Li Z.C., Lam, W.H.K., 2017. Cordon toll pricing in a multi-modal linear monocentric city with stochastic auto travel time. Transportmetrica A, in press
[38] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., 2017. Step tolling in an activity-based bottleneck model. Transportation Research Part B, 2017, 101: 306-334
[37] Sheng D., Li Z.C., Fu X., Gillen D., 2017. Modeling the effects of unilateral and uniform emission regulations under shipping company and port competition. Transportation Research Part E, 101: 99-114
[36] Li Z.C., Guo Qian-Wen. Optimal time for implementing cordon toll pricing scheme in a monocentric city. Papers in Regional Science, 2017, 96: 163-190
[35] Li Z.C., Sheng D. Forecasting passenger travel demand for air and high-speed rail integration service: A case study of Beijing-Guangzhou corridor, China. Transportation Research Part A, 2016, 94: 397-410
[34] Li Z.C., Peng Y.T. Modeling the effects of vehicle emission taxes on residential location choices of different-income households. Transportation Research Part D, 2016, 48: 248-266
[33] Chen Y.J., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Choi, K. Tradable location tax credit scheme for balancing traffic congestion and environmental externalities. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2016, 10: 917-934
[32] Li Z.C., Yin Yan, Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A. Simultaneous optimization of fuel surcharges and transit service runs in a multi-modal transport network: A time-dependent activity-based approach, Transportation Letters, 2016, 8: 35-46
[31] Li Z.C., Guo Q.W., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Transit technology investment and selection under urban population volatility: A real option perspective. Transportation Research Part B, 2015, 78: 318-340
[30] Sheng D., Li Z.C., Xiao Y.B., Fu X. Slot auction in an airport network with demand uncertainty. Transportation Research Part E, 2015, 82: 79-100.
[29] Li Z.C., Yao M.Z., Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A., Choi K. Modeling the effects of public bicycle schemes in a congested multi-modal road network. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2015, 9: 282-297
[28] Chen Y.J., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K. Modeling transit technology selection in a linear transportation corridor. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2015, 49: 48-72
[27] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Bottleneck model revisited: An activity-based perspective. Transportation Research Part B, 2014, 68: 262-287
[26] Li Z.C., Sheng D. Pavement rehabilitation scheduling and toll pricing under different regulatory regimes. Annals of Operations Research, 2014, 217(1): 337-355
[25] Li Z.C., Wang Ya-Dong, Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A., Choi K. Design of sustainable cordon toll pricing schemes in a monocentric city. Networks and Spatial Economics, 2014, 14(2): 133-158
[24] Li Z.C., Ge Xiao-Yan. Traffic signal timing problems with environmental and equity considerations. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2014, 48(8): 1066-1086
[23] Ge Xiao-Yan, Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Choi K. Energy sustainable traffic signal timings for a congested road network with heterogeneous users. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014, 15(3): 1016-1025
[22] Yin Y., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Choi K. Sustainable toll pricing and capacity investment in a congested road network: A goal programming approach. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2014, 140(12), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000720
[21] Li Z.C., Li Zhao-Kun, Lam W.H.K. An integrated design of sustainable land use and transportation system with uncertainty in future population. Transportmetrica, 2014, 10(2): 160-185
[20] Li Z.C., Chen Y.J., Wang Y.D., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Optimal density of radial major roads in a two-dimensional monocentric city with endogenous residential distribution and housing prices. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2013, 43(6): 927-937
[19] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Choi K. Modeling the effects of integrated rail and property development on the design of rail line services in a linear monocentric city. Transportation Research Part B, 2012, 46(6): 710-728
[18] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Sumalee A. Design of a rail transit line for profit maximization in a linear transportation corridor. Transportation Research Part E, 2012, 48(1): 50-70
[17] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Modeling intermodal equilibrium for bimodal transportation system design problems in a linear monocentric city. Transportation Research Part B, 2012, 46(1): 30-49
[16] Chen B.Y., Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A., Li Q., Li Z.C. Vulnerability analysis for large-scale and congested road networks with demand uncertainty. Transportation Research Part A, 2012, 46(3): 501-516
[15] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Optimization of number of operators and allocation of new lines in an oligopolistic transit market. Networks and Spatial Economics, 2012, 12(1): 1-20
[14] Li Z.C., Huang H.J., Lam W.H.K. Modeling heterogeneous drivers’ responses to route guidance and parking information systems in stochastic and time-dependent networks. Transportmetrica, 2012, 8(2): 105-129
[13] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Sumalee A. Environmentally sustainable toll design for congested road networks with uncertain demand. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2012, 6(3): 127-155
[12] Luathep P., Sumalee A., Lam W.H.K., Li Z.C., Lo H.K. Global optimization method for mixed transportation network design problem: A mixed-integer linear programming approach. Transportation Research Part B, 2011, 45(5): 808-827
[11] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. On the allocation of new lines in a competitive transit network with uncertain demand and scale economies. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2011, 45(4): 233-251
[10] Ouyang L.Q., Lam W.H.K., Li Z.C., Huang D. Network user equilibrium model for scheduling daily activity travel patterns in congested networks. Transportation Research Record, 2011, 2254: 131-139
[9] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Fu X.W. Optimal route allocation in a liberalizing airline market. Transportation Research Part B, 2010, 44(7): 886-902
[8] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Sumalee A. An activity-based approach for scheduling multimodal transit services. Transportation, 2010, 37(5): 751-774
[7] Lam W.H.K., Chan K.S., Li Z.C., Bell M.G.H. A risk-averse user equilibrium model for route choice problem in signal-controlled networks. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2010, 44(4): 219-230
[6] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. The optimal transit fare structure under different market regimes with uncertainty in the network. Networks and Spatial Economics, 2009, 9(2): 191-216
[5] Li, Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Huang H.J., Zhu D.L. Reliability evaluation for stochastic and time-dependent networks with multiple parking facilities. Networks and Spatial Economics, 2008, 8: 355-381
[4] Li, Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A. Modeling impact of transit operator fleet size under various market regimes with uncertainty in network. Transportation Research Record, 2008, 2063: 18-27
[3] Li, Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Zhu D.L., Huang H.J. Modeling park-and-ride services in a multimodal transport network with elastic demand. Transportation Research Record, 2007, 1994: 101-109
[2] Huang H.J., Li Z.C. A multiclass, multicriteria logit-based traffic equilibrium assignment model under ATIS. European Journal of Operational Research, 2007, 176: 1464-1477
[1] Lam W.H.K., Li Z.C., Huang H.J., Wong S.C. Modeling time-dependent travel choice problems in road networks with multiple user classes and multiple parking facilities. Transportation Research Part B, 2006, 40: 368-395

[4] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Sumalee A. Design of a rail transit line for profit maximization in a linear transportation corridor. In: Cassidy M.J., Skabardonis A. (eds.), Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT19), Elsevier, Oxford, 2011, pp. 82-112
[3] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Optimization of a bus and rail transit system with feeder bus services under different market regimes. In: Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., and Lo H.K. (eds.), Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT18), Springer, 2009, pp. 495-516
[2] Li Z.C., Huang H.J., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Time-differential pricing of road tolls and parking charges in a transport network with elastic demand. In: Allsop R.E., Bell M.G.H., Heydecker B.G. (eds.), Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT17), Elsevier, Oxford, 2007, pp. 55-85
[1]  Huang H.J., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. A time-dependent activity and travel choice model with multiple parking options. In: Mahmassani H. (ed.), Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT16), Elsevier, Oxford, 2005, pp. 717-739
